Sheaths for knife UTON m. 75

Sheath with a small iron and two rivet pads:

The first type with acceptance sign from the year 1976



Sheath with a small brass rivet and two rivet pads:

The second type with acceptance sign from the year 1976


Sheath with a small rivet with flat cap:

With acceptance sign from the year 1977


Sheath with a small rivet with semicular cap and with a gap from below:

With acceptance sign from the year 1977


The last type of sheaths with large rivets:

With acceptance sign from the year 1983


Sheaths Castle Guard:

Black sheath assigned to combat uniform, white sheath assigned to presence uniform.


Sheaths for 115th Battalion – Depth Recon:

You can see the sheaths with a sign of the 115th Battalion – depth recon in the pictures. The first pictures shows the first stampingand we may o recognize it by a lozenge, which is about the sign and in the picture you can see it cery well. The sheath in this picture is new. If it uses and tools be put into it, aknife would to the “lozenge” lightly push and it wouldn´t be so apparent. This lozenge-shaped left the first embossing die. The second pictures shows the second marking, which is without lozenge and there is moreover number 1 in the base of the handle. This number marks first troop. This second embossing die was already in the shape of a rectangle.


Sheath for 102nd Recon Unit:


Sheath for General Staff AČR:


Sheath for SFOR:


Sheath Boletice:

Reminders sheath from military training in VVP Boletice from the year 1996






Sheath m.95 from the compatny SPM Liberec:



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Redesign v roce 2011 vytvořil Martin Trtílek